If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prospect Congregational Church, please approach the Pastor or a Deacon on Sunday morning or call the church office during regular business hours.
Below is some basic information about membership in the Prospect Congregational Church. You may also request additional information by contacting the church office or emailing the church.
Reception into Active Membership
The members of this Church shall be persons, who have been received by their public owning of its covenant and their acceptance by the congregation: on presentation of satisfactory letters of transfer from other churches; if letters of transfer are not available, by reaffirmation of faith; or on confession of faith and baptism, if not previously baptized. The offering of the right hand of fellowship shall be at a regular service of worship after due examination by the Pastor and recommendation by the Board of Deacons.
Expectations of Active Membership
The condition of membership in this Church shall be an earnest intent to live the Christian life and the acceptance of the Covenant and Purpose of this Church, pledging loyalty to Jesus Christ and hearty cooperation with the members of this Church in its worship, witness and service, and to give regularly to its support and missions.
Resignation of Membership
Any member desiring to leave this Church and join another is entitled to be granted a letter of transfer by the clerk.
Inactive Membership
Any member who fails to contribute and fails to attend for two years and following review by the Board of Deacons may have his/her name placed on a list of inactive members. Inactive members shall not be counted in compiling the official roll of members, but they shall be reinstated and given a letter of transfer to another church if they request it, or be reinstated by the Board of Deacons if they subsequently revive their participation in the life of this Church.
Associate Membership
A person who wishes to participate in the life of this Church while maintaining membership in another church may be received as an associate member by the same process as active members are received. Associate members should fulfill the expectations of active members, with the exception that they would be unable to serve as an officer of the Church or on the Board of Deacons.
Membership Dismissal
Any member, whose behavior becomes offensive to the name of the church, may be dismissed by vote of the church after patient and loving efforts by the Board of Deacons and the Pastor to persuade the member to amend their life have failed.