Prospect Congregational Church Social Groups
The Evening Women Association meets at 7 pm on the third Wednesday of the month. Wehave anywhere from 12 to 20 regularly attending members and another 15 “willing helpers” that assist with many of our projects. We start our meeting with Christian devotions and then set to planning.
Some of the on-going projects we have done over the years have been the Annual Holiday Bazaar in November, the Flea Market in March, an Easter Bunny Breakfast in April, beautiful Victorian Teas in May and/or October and a Holiday Cookie Walk in December. We participate in the Annual Car Show on the Green with strawberry and peach shortcakes, and the Pumpkin Festival on the Green with Halloween treats and Apple Crisp. Our Mission projects have included Blessings Bags for the Homeless, and Clean-up Buckets for the newly-housed homeless through Rick Povalaitis. We have also provided food gift cards for Rick’s use in his work with the homeless. In February we annually provide sandwiches for the Red Cross Blood Drive here in Prospect. At our December Christmas Party we collect toiletries and baby necessities for Safe Haven of Waterbury. We love our church and like to see it shine by having the Fellowship and Spellman Halls painted, the Ladies Restroom renovated and the Sanctuary radiator covers powder-coated. Donations from our treasury went to both the Elevator Fund and the Capital Campaign. And to be sure our church is visible to the community we have our church information in the local newspaper every week.
In support of our Mission Board’s work with the GWIM Soup Kitchen we repaired the stove and purchased extra large cooking pots, pasta strainers and a commercial can opener for our Casserole Sunday food preparations. As you can see we are a busy bunch...and can always use more helping hands for our work. We would love to have you join us in our cooking, baking, crafting, selling, planning, talking, laughing and praying at any of our events.
During the pandemic, the Evening Women's group has met on the green across from the church on several occassions to "keep in touch" using CDC guidelines for social distancing and using face masks. We look forward to the time when we can resume our normal meeting time and place.
The Men's Club of the Prospect Congregation is a social group of men in the congregation who sponsor a beautiful Sunday Breakfast on the 2nd Sunday of the month September through May each year. They also sponsor the Easter Sunrise Service breakfast and participate in many of the fundraising dinners hosted by the church.
The group has been very active in the church and has participated in the Giv2 and National Youth Event both which are organized and sponsored by the United Church of Christ. Links below with give you more information on these amazing events and access to all UCC resources for youth.
Activities Include:
- Hosting Dinners
- Car Washes
- Church Flea Market participation
- Spring Clean Up Date at the church
- Can & Bottle Drives
- 24- Hour homeless awareness sleep-out that collects money and clothing to help the homeless in the Greater Waterbury area
- 30-Hour Famine, going without food so others don't have to. Youth learn about hunger and fundraise to help feed and care for children living in poverty
For more information on youth group activities, please contact the church office.